Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Behind The Facade: Great Scott McKenzie

A mind and talent of a young Donald Trump, Scott has made a name for himself. His entrepreneurial abilities have not gone unnoticed. Behind The Facade celebrates and recognizes the business side of the young moguls and icons of the future.  Eager to breakthrough into the next big thing, he has a ton of accomplishments to date. An educated male in his 20s, applying his knowledge as power to society is not only rewarding, but inspirational.

Where did you find your entrepreneurial spirit? 
SM: I found it from the great leaders before us. I believe our job is to leave the earth better than how we found it 
What's the highlight to what you do?
SM:  Highlight ... Seeing others grow and impact the world. And have your idols become your peers 


How did you allow your struggles to motivate you?

SM: Simple. I never wanted to grow up to be what others expect me to be. So it starts from my father. He didn't see value in me. That crushed the kid... I used that to motivate me x 10! I'm making sure him and everyone else that ever doubted me wish they didn't
You're a published author. What message does your writing speak on?
SM: Motivational and empowerment.

An an ambassador of Reebok, are there any other endorsements you plan to venture into?
SM: Yes. Magnum Condoms & Skittles

Would you say that New York City is the gateway to making dreams come true for an up and coming dreamchaser to be sucessful?

SM: Yes. But other states also cause there's no competition in other towns

What are you most proud of?
SM: My book 

How influential of a man are you to society in your opinion?
SM: Hmmmmm good question .... As far as Internet yes. In some ways.

Juggling a full plate, how you find time for life's simple joys
SM: Ummm this is my life right now. Hip Hop is a religion to me

Where do you see yourself five years down the road?
SM: Cultural icon hopefully. Like Warren Buffet. I wanna be the man when I'm 75

-Free <3

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