Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Behind The Facade: Everything Happens at Midnight..

Defining publicity at its best is a slogan commonly used by the founder of Midnight PR, Miss Portia Panamera. She specializes in the areas of Corporate/ PR/ Branding , Strategic Publicity Campaigns, Small Business Development, Product Launches, PR Consulting & Promotional Marketing just to name a few. Climbing the coporate ladder, she has made quite a name for herself. Social media has greatly benefited this business as it continually grows by the day. Want to find a great PR firm, ??? find Midnight PR!

Upon what values is Midnight PR built on?

Midnight PR is built on principles of limitless visions, quality representation, respect, and originality.

What excites you about being a PR Consultant? Would you say your career is completely fulfilling?

Portia: What excites me about being a Publicist is the rewarding factor of hard work. Seeing someone I'm representing climb the ladder of success and live the vision they desire is my greatest hope & to know I became a part of someone's history or that I help contribute to history itself, is the best reward.

What makes you qualified in this business? What knowledge have you gained in the 5 years and counting of this business?
Portia: I'm qualified based on my background, my resume (check it) and my determination. I will not stop until I see success in whatever I'm doing. I'm always researching, reading, and gaining more knowledge on what will take my clients and I to the next level of success. What I can do for them that hasn't been tried. The knowledge I've gained is highly respected, but what I've encountered in this business is my greatest knowledge. To hear of the business, and to be in the business is not the same. I've learned to do the impossible, stay focused, and tune out the negativity that becomes associated with success. I've learned that the people who doubt you most are sometimes the closest to you. I've learned to stand on my beliefs, no matter if I'm the only one standing. 

Why is your business successful? How do you plan to keep it that way?

Portia: I believe my business is successful because I'm in it to win it. I have a "cannot fail" attitude. I won't fail! I respect my clients, and their creativity. I'm a visionary, so I see the complete portrait when others just see the big picture. I plan to continue to build my brand, maintain great clients, create new opportunities for my clients & I, and visualize the future of my reality.

What type of people in the entertainment industry do you enjoy working with? How selective is Midnight PR in choosing who exactly to work with?

Portia: I enjoy working with people who have a genius aspect, and great spirits. Someone the people respect, talented, hard workers and business minded. I'm extremely selective in choosing who I work with. All money ain't good money! I'm passionate about my career and business so if I can't sell it, I can't do it. I get calls and pass up money everyday because what I'm being presented isn't a great representation. For me, it's not about the money. It's about having something I can present to the public that I'm proud, eager, and willing to do my best to make successful.

How has your education prepared you for your career?

Portia: My education didn't prepare me for my career, the streets did. I'm from the streets, so I've always been on the move and had a social factor. Much of what the streets prepare you for, prepares you for almost anything. My education on PR came from actually doing it. College provides the basic necessities, living it was the ultimate preparation.

How do you approach adversity in the workplace?

Portia: By maintaining great relationships with my clients and always being truthful.

Why not work for another company?

Portia: At this point, I'm looking for partnerships. My company has snowballed into something bigger than most expected, so I'm going to work harder for myself to reach higher success.

How important is it in choosing the right PR firm? What do you suggest people look for?

Portia: The right PR firm can make you or break you. It's that important. It's not about how much a PR charges, it's about the success of their work. Many times, people try to hire the cheapest, but you get what you pay for. It's easy to research a publicist, just by asking around. Publicists who work hard are known, it's not a secret. Check their client resume. Speak with them and see if they have a similar vision for what you need done. Most importantly, hire a PR who has your best interest at hand in all you do. 

How much do you plan on expanding Midnight PR in the next 10 years?

Portia: They say sky's the limit, I'm moon walking. Wherever the opportunities take me, I'm going! I hope to be a PR guru in 10 years, doing all the biggest things in history. I just want to work hard doing what I love, and see the results of greatness.

How important is branding to you? What would you like the world to know about your business?

Portia: Branding is the "IT" factor. It represents who you are. It's everything about you. My brand started from a vision, years later it's become a reality. My business is built on passion and integrity. I'm gifted in many areas, and always challenging myself to learn more. Midnight PR's motto is "Everything happens at Midnight" - and I mean it. If I'm involved, it's happening.. period!

Be sure to find all the info on Midnight PR by following on Twitter @MidnightPR

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Thanks Portia!!

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